It is my pleasure to welcome you to Grace Christian School!
I hope that you will enjoy learning what our school has to offer you and your family. We are more than a Christian institution: We are a community of parents, students, and faculty working together to provide a quality education rooted in the Biblical worldview.
As I reflect upon the school's 40-year history, I see a lot of evidence of God's handiwork through this ministry. Many of our 500 plus graduates tell us that their Grace Christian School education profoundly impacted all aspects of their academic and spiritual development, helping prepare them for “life after school.” Our prayer is that Grace Christian School will continue to serve our students with these same opportunities, as we remain focused on providing a thoughtful, Biblically-based education. We desire for our students to be salt and light in their various vocations, impacting the world for Christ!
Our mission is best accomplished when the home, church, and school work together in the life of each child. Therefore, it is expected that our school families regularly participate in a local church and that at least one parent is a professing follower of Jesus Christ. In addition, our parents support the GCS Statement of Faith, as well as the GCS Parent-School Covenant.
The best way to get to know us is to visit one of our campuses and speak to an administrator. If you are interested in a tour, please CONTACT US to set up an appointment. You can also call (540) 886-9109 or email admissions@gcswarriors.org.
Come visit and see firsthand all that the Lord is doing.

Donald M. Larson, PhD
Head of School