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Shout-Out to Yearbook Staff

October 20, 2022
By Donald M. Larson, PhD, Head of School

I remember being on yearbook staff when I was in high school many years ago, gathering pictures, quotes, and completing the layouts. It is a lot of work that is behind the scenes and often not appreciated or acknowledged. For years, GCS has published a quality yearbook that has required much time and effort. When I saw the last year’s yearbook that we received a couple of weeks ago, I couldn’t help but notice a huge upgrade from what we have had in the past. I was not the only one who took notice. The yearbook publisher entered the GCS yearbook in the 2022 National Yearbook Contest, and the yearbook won an Honorable Mention.

With Mrs. Becky Boyette’s guidance and Anna Weaber and Molly Wells' leadership, the yearbook staff produced the best yearbook that GCS has ever seen. Thank you to the Sports Editors, Aubrey Greenmun and Maddie Harper; the People Section Editors, Maddie Helmick and Sela Reid; and all of the other staff who contributed to this yearbook.

Congratulations, 2021-2022 yearbook staff, for producing a great yearbook and winning the Honorable Mention. You have set the bar high and built a foundation for a better yearbook. I look forward to enjoying this year’s book. Know that your efforts are appreciated! Go yearbook staff!

Psalm 106:1 - “Praise the Lord! Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!”