Gifts may also be mailed to GCS, 19. S. Market Street, Staunton, VA 24401 to the attention of the Advancement Office. Grace Christian School is a 501c(3) non-profit organization and all charitable donations are tax-deductible. At this time, we are pleased to receive financial gifts in the form of cash, check or credit card, appreciated gifts of stocks, bonds and other securities, gift-in-kind donations, company matching gifts and United Way donations.
If you have any questions, please contact our Advancement Office at Advancement@gcswarriors.org or (540) 886-9109.
Throughout our 40-year history, God has provided for the school's financial needs through the generosity of His people who have given of their time, talents and resources. Our tuition is almost half that of comparable schools. We realize that a higher tuition would limit the availability of Christian education for many in our community. Tuition income accounts for just 92% of our operating income, leaving the remaining 8% needed to educate each child to be funded through other means.
This is why we need you! Your gift to GCS makes a difference to every student. You may make a general donation online or an online gift in support of one of our fundraising initiatives:
"Pass It On" Project
The "Pass It On" Project is essentially a student-focused, personalized letter writing campaign that focuses on a giant, school-wide, year of community service.
For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45
Our students are exhorted to live a life for Christ and not for themselves. They are regularly told that loving and following Jesus will result in the best plan and greatest adventure of their lives.
If you have any questions or thoughts to share about the " Pass It On " Project, we want to hear them! Please reach out to the Advancement Office at Advancement@GCSWarriors.org
Annual Giving Campaign
The Annual Giving Campaign is purposed to provide the GCS community of supporters (alumni, alumni parents, grandparents, friends, businesses, etc.) the opportunity to partner with the school through financial contributions.
Donations to the Annual Giving Campaign are accepted year round and can be designated by the donor to support our Grace Fund, Tuition Assistance Fund, and/or Endowment Fund.
The Grace Fund provides educational enhancements for our students such as technology, fine arts, and athletics, supports our committed faculty, and helps defray operational expenses not covered by tuition income.
The Tuition Assistance Fund enables the school to provide need-based assistance to families who desire a Christian education for their children, but cannot afford the full tuition. As our enrollment grows, so does the economic diversity of our school families, thus making Tuition Assistance a necessary part of our budget.
The Endowment Fund helps us lay the foundation for the future health of the school. As the Endowment Fund continues to mature, it will eventually be used, in part, for future major capital improvements, technology upgrades, and other school-wide projects.
To donate, simply click below or mail a check to GCS Attn: Advancement Office, 19 South Market Street, Staunton, VA 24401.
GCS Auction
For 20+ years, friends of Grace Christian School have gathered in April for a night of fun, live entertainment, generous bidding, and fellowship. Want to learn more about what's been done in past auctions? Would you like to volunteer for next year's auction? Reach out to Advancement@GCSWarriors.org.